
Organizing our School Year and Life of Learning

Before the New Term

 Homeschool Books that Shaped Us

100 Books that Shaped Their Boyhood Part 1

100 Books that Shaped Their Boyhood Part 2

How We Blend it All Together

The Friday Exam

Making the Most of the School Year

Art Appreciation + Resource List

Birding/Bird Study + Resource List

Advent Season

Nature Study + Nature Walks

Nature Walks (The Walks Taken)

Planning a Homeschool Year


The REAL Distraction

Dear Boys

Geography– Pin it! Maps

Geography in Action—Pin it! Maps Part 2

4 thoughts on “Homeschool

  1. I’m new to your blog and absolutely love it. I was wondering where you got all the amazing posters decorating your house? I’ve been looking for some for our play room and can’t find exactly what I wanted. Then I found your blog and I love the ones you have up. Could you share where they are from?


  2. HI there!
    I have been following you and your boys through social media and it is complete joy to see! I have two boys myself; a 3 year old and an 11 month old who is special needs. I was wondering if you have done a post, written anything or can direct me the right direction as to how to start reading with your son. My oldest is showing signs of wanting to read and can tell by seeing a few words what the words say but I am having a hard time figuring out how to get going with reading.

    Thanks so much!


  3. I just heard a podcast and I love your style of home ed. Can you share a full day and full week? Do you take time just to clean and organize and run errands and cook? What does your sharing time look like? When you each share what is new and ecmxcited?
    I would Love Love to hear how to implement this type of education!!
    Will you do an online several hour training? I have the hardest time fitting it all in and dealing with three year old!


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